Welcome to our dedicated baseball bat reviews blog, your trusted hub for unbiased insights. Gain expert knowledge for informed buying decisions. We stand independent of manufacturers and retailers, providing honest reviews and analysis for your confidence.
Explore top-notch baseball bat reviews with our unbiased reviews covering Youth, USA, USSSA, and BBCOR models. Cut through the clutter and hype to make an informed decision before your next baseball bat purchase – a must-read for any buyer.
Discover reviews on renowned brands like Louisville Slugger, Demarini, Easton, Rawlings, Marucci and more. Dive into our comprehensive analysis of the best BBCOR, USA and USSA bats here.
Navigating the complex world of baseball bat purchases can be both daunting and costly. With over 20 years of personal experiences – ranging from the good to the horrific – we’ve gained valuable insights. Recognizing the significant investment in needed for baseball equipment, We felt compelled to demystify the industry and share this knowledge.
Baseball Bat Reviews aims to answer your burning questions about baseball bats:
- Unveil the distinctions between composite and aluminum (alloy) materials.
- Understand the nuances of one-piece and two-piece bat designs.
- Grasp the differences between end-loaded and balanced bats.
- Navigate the features of flex and stiff handle bats.
- Decode the major manufacturer line-ups.
- Cut through the spin and hype manufactured by the industry.
Look to the right for links to articles that provide further insight into baseball bats. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Enjoy your journey into the world of informed baseball bat decisions!

great site. very helpful. keep up the good work
Hi. What is the ‘benefit’ of a $200 bat, compared to a $50 bat? If both are PONY approved, have 2-1/4″ barrels and a 1.15 BPF rating, why choose one over another and if both are the same lenght and weight?
I’m trying to make the best informed decision I can.
Thank you for your help
What is the real difference between the high end alloy bats (Like the voodoo Black and Surge) and the composite bats like the Omen? I have a son who is 7 and loves baseball. Has quite the hitting stroke and needs to step up to a new bat. Price is not a issue so what would be the best bat for him to use in Little League play.
I need to buy my high school player a new bat and would like to know what the difference between a 2011 BBCOR certified bat and a 2012 BBCOR certified bat. How do I know if a 2011 BBCOR certified bat is legal for 2012??
Thank you!!
I continue to find The Baseball Bat Review (TBBR) blog a very good source for bat reviews and am looking for to your adding to TBBR’s review of the 2011-2012 line up of BBCOR bats especially regarding weigh balance, pop and vibration.
In the meantime can you tell me what the difference aere between the 2011 Voodoo white and 2012 Voodoo black (both appear to be BBCOR approved but have $100 retail difference)?
Both my sons used -3 Easton Surge BESR bats last year, Which Easton BBCOR bats would have the same “Feel” to it as the Surge.
There is a 2012 BBCOR approved Easton Surge bat. Since Easton is now focusing on the Power Brigade bats you can get the Adult -3 for only $149. The Power Brigade equivalent to the Surge is the S2 and it goes for $299.
Your Easton S1 composite bat(top pick) review mentions the adult version only. Does the review apply to their Senior League model too? How does this bat compare to the 2011 Easton Rival Metal Alloy bat? My son is nine; the Rival was his legal bat last year after his composite Omen went “illegal” one month after I bought it. I’m thinking about the S1 Composite to replace the Rival that is now “illegal” too. Since he is now in kids pitch, I’m thinking a faster bat swing may be a key to success.
My recommendations are for all levels: Youth, Senior and Adult. It’s just easier to speak of one when writing. The 2012 Adult Rival is BBCOR certified, they just don’t produce a Senior model yet. Just keep in mind the S1 is composite (like the Omen) and the Rival is aluminum. If he liked the Omen he’ll love the S1. I’d absolutely go with the S (speed series bats) for a lower swing weigh with a 9 year old swinging a Senior bat. Good luck.
I’ve been looking at the Easton S3 -10 Power Brigade and the Worth Lithium Prodigy for my 10 yr old son. He’s swinging a 29/19. I keep finding different pros and cons for both and am having trouble distinguishing between the two. I’m looking for a well balanced good contact bat. The Easton seems to have a little better price but with investing the amount of money i want to get the right one. What’s a good solid recommendation between the two? Thanks!
No question, go with the Easton Power Brigade S3.
Trying to choose between marucci cat5 -8 and easton s3 -10. Contact hitter needing lowest moi. Both 2 5/8 barrel. Swung voodoo -9 29″ last year but complained he didn’t like end loaded.
Trying to choose between marucci cat5 -8 and easton s3 -10. Contact hitter needing lowest moi. Both 2 5/8 barrel. Swung voodoo -9 29″ last year but complained he didn’t like end loaded.12 yrs. Old 4′ 9″ 75pds.
Looking at 3 different bats for the upcoming season:
1)Easton – SRV4 Synergy Speed (2011)
2)Easton – SRV5 Salvo (2011)
3)Miken – Freak FX700 (2013)
Price is not an issue, I can find all the bats around $200, but looking for best all-around performance for a contact hitter.
Thank you.
Umm, are you looking for a baseball bat or softball bat? These are softball bats.
Have any recommendations on tee ball? I got some advice not to skimp on a bat or I’d be paying more for bats later. I’m a complete noob when it comes to baseball equipment.
ok i want to know the best performance bat as far as distance for 2011-2013 youth big barrel bats 28 inch 16-18oz
For distance you’ll want a bat that is end-loaded (just make sure he is experienced or the end-loaded bat will throw off his swing). I’d recommend the Easton XL series. Your choice on the XL1, XL2 or XL3. You can read about these bats here. Good hitting!
could you please rate1-4 in you opinion prodigy,miken freak,vodoo,easton as far as youth bats
Check out 2012 best baseball bat recommendations on this page for detailed information.
Any chance that you will be reviewing the RIP-IT Prototype?