Tag Archives: s1

2012 Little League World Series (LLWS) Baseball Bats

Many have been watching the 2012 Little League World Series and have been wondering what bat models are being used. Here’s a brief explanation as to what is going on.

First you need to know Easton is the Official Team Equipment Supplier at the 2012 LLWS, hence you’re seeing Easton being used almost exclusively. They’re having every player experience their HIT LAB which, they claim, features an interactive batting system that uses swing “analytics” to custom fit players’ swings to the “correct” model. Participants will receive feedback and statistics based on their swing, helping them choose the right bat for unique swing characteristics. This is the same technology Easton utilizes for their NCAA Division I teams. Since this is the first time Easton’s new Power Brigade will be swung in the LLWS they are pushing each player to either the S1 or XL1 model with the HIT LAB. So these are just about the only models you’ll see being used. The 1’s are their 100% composite bats.

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2012 Easton Reviews

Easton is far ahead of the competition when it comes to BBCOR baseball bats, especially with 100% composite bats. Easton has always been the leader in composite bats and the 2012 model year is no exception. They continue to push their two-piece design in their top tier Power Brigade bats. They were the first to release a BBCOR approved composite bat, the Omen, and then quickly followed that up with new models (Power Brigade S1 and XL1). They are known for offering many options (sometimes so many its dizzying) to appeal to just about any player. Easton is the most popular bat brand in the market and it’s difficult to go wrong with one of their bats.

Here’s their youth and BBCOR offerings for the 2012 model year: Continue reading →

Here are Oure Reviews of the Easton Power Brigade Bats

Easton’s long awaited Power Brigade series has finally hit the market. This lineup follows Easton’s format of offering a 100% composite two-piece bat, hybrid two-piece bat and 100% alloy bat. The difference is that they will come in two different series. The Speed Series has a low (Easton says the lowest) swing weights (MOI), and the XL Series has a higher swing weight (MOI) and claims to have a longer barrel. The pricing is the same for both series, it’s just a matter of preference. All of the Brigade bats are BBCOR certified.

The Speed Series Bats:


  • S1 – Two-Piece IMXTM Composite

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