Tag Archives: restrictions

2012 Youth Baseball Bat Rules and BBCOR Standards

2012 Youth Baseball Bat Rules and BBCOR Standards

Baseball leagues around the country have seen plenty of changes over the past year or so. Most have focused on BBCOR bats, but there are changes across the board.

Citing safety concerns caused by the exit speeds of some composite bats, some leagues have banned composite-barreled baseball bats. Others have not. Add in the new BBCOR performance standard, and things can quickly get confusing.

This post is a guide for parents, guardians and players looking for new bats or making sure their current bats will be legal.

Little League
Heading into the 2012 baseball season, Little League’s bat rules look like this:

  • Minor League Baseball — Composite-barreled bats will be banned; some have been re-allowed
  • 9-10 Year Old Baseball Division — Composite-barreled bats will be banned; some have been re-allowed
  • Little League Baseball (Majors) — Composite-barreled bats will be banned; some have been re-allowed
  • Junior League Baseball — Composite-barreled bats will be banned; some have been re-allowed; and all BBCOR certified bats will be allowed
  • Senior League Baseball — All bats must be BBCOR certified
  • Big League Baseball — All bats must be BBCOR certified

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