Tag Archives: louisville

Louisville Slugger Meta vs. Meta PWR: What You Need to Know.

Louisville Slugger Meta vs. Meta PWR

Baseball enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest gear that can take their performance to the next level. When it comes to baseball bats, Louisville Slugger has earned a stellar reputation for producing top-tier equipment. Among their highly acclaimed bats are the Louisville Slugger Meta and the Meta PWR. In this blog post, we will delve into the key differences and similarities between these two power-packed baseball bats to help you make an informed decision when choosing the perfect weapon for your game.

The Meta and Meta PWR: Overview

The Louisville Slugger Meta and Meta PWR both belong to the same family of high-performance baseball bats, sharing several fundamental features. These bats are designed to deliver incredible power, speed, and precision, making them popular choices among experienced players and aspiring youngsters alike.

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Know the Louisville Slugger TPX Omaha With This Review

Review of the Louisville Omaha baseball bat, that’s had a dominant presence since it was introduction in 1998. It has been the one consistent presence in the Louisville line-up during this time. One of the selling points is that there is nothing fancy about this bat. It is still is a one-piece bat made with the older ST+20 alloy, a stiff handle and a balanced design. Louisville is now claiming it “features the lowest swing weight bat on the market.” Interesting since they are making the same claim about the Exogrid 3. The folks at Louisville need to provide some detail here or it comes across as pure hype.

It is absolutely my choice for anyone interested in a 100% alloy, one-piece bat with a stiff handle. Need some incentive? Many college baseball swing the Omaha, a less expensive bat, than the other Louisville models. So don’t be fooled by the lower price and 100% alloy material. Available in Adult, Senior and Youth models. The Adult-3 model retails for $199.

Our Review of the Louisville Slugger Prime 915 Baseball Bat

2015 Louisville Prime 915

It’s time to review the https://www.baseballbatreviewsblog.com/category/louisville-bats/Louisville Slugger Prime 915, a 100% composite three-piece baseball bat with a stiff handle design and “relatively” balanced design. It is constructed with Louisville’s TRU3 connection technology that is supposed to strengthen the link between the barrel and handle of this bat to provide a “better feel and dramatically reduced vibration.” Yes their still trying to push the 3-piece technology as better then 2-piece even though it has failed miserable in the past (anyone remember the Triton).

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What’s New With the 2013 Louisville Slugger TPX Exogrid 3?

The Exogrid has been Louisville’s best selling bat for the last six years, and in 2013 they have introduced the Exogrid 3. It is a hybrid baseball bat that uses an internal carbon composite sleeve in the handle. That LS-2X composite sleeve makes the bat lighter and makes the handle extremely stiff. That’s saying a lot for Louisville who prides itself on stiff handles and has never made a flex handle model. The majority of the bat is made with their AC21 alloy which was introduced in the 2012 model along with the LS-2X composite sleeve.

For all intense and purposes it is the exact same design they’ve used since it was introduced. The change for 2013 is that they’re now claiming it has the “lowest swing weight available” for a 2 5/8″ barrel BBCOR model. They say this is due to “composite flex band technology” that uses thinner high strength and lightweight graphite fibers, adding more layers to the barrel for added strength while reducing the overall thickness of the barrel wall.

It had always been promoted as a balanced bat in the past, so this change is significant. The best indication of how it is received is to see the number of college players using it. As said, it is the preferred bat of college players on teams swinging Louisville. If this changes they’re not accepting this technology.

It has always been a great choice for both power and singles hitters and is a bat I recommend. It is available in Adult BBCOR, Senior and Youth models. The BBCOR model retails for $299.

Here’s are the specifications of the Exogrid 3:

  • The heart of the ExoGrid 3 is the carbon sleeve, which provides greater handle stiffness than aluminum alone ever could
  • Metal is trimmed in a grid pattern, then replaced with carbon composite inserts that are several times stronger and lighter than the metal they replace
  • ExoGrid Bi/Fusion process uses a combination of heat and extreme pressure to bond the carbon sleeve, carbon inserts and metal wall to function as one single unit
  • Using thinner high-strength and lightweight graphite fibers, Louisville is able to add more layers to the composite for added strength while reducing the overall thickness of the barrel wall, meaning more pop and less weight
  • Rather than thicken the walls to bring them in line with BBCOR standard, Louisville inserts a 1″ wide graphite band
  • This graphite band gives the bat the lowest swing weight available for a 2 5/8″ BBCOR barrel, and it’s small enough that the sweet spot feels just like your old BESR bat
  • LS-2X composite /AC21 alloy hybrid
  • 31/32″ tapered handle
  • Synthetic grip
  • 2-Color end cap

Slide over here to view all of the 2013 Louisville baseball bats.

Here are Our 2013 Louisville Slugger Bats and Reviews

The Louisville name is synonymous with baseball bats and in reviews it’s impossible to separate them. Unfortunately they’ve been fighting an uphill battle in the industry to regain the top spot in the industry. The problem has been in the 100% composite category where they have failed to manufacture a bat that has caught on. Last year they took a step in the right direction with the Z-1000 composite. It has received much more acceptance and you’ll actually see college players using it. They’re hopeful it will become a staple in their line-up with the long running Omaha and Exogrid.

No surprise that Louisville is sticking to a one-piece stiff handle design for their 2013 line-up. They finally got the message last year and returned to the design that has defined and what people expect from them. All bats listed below are BBCOR Certified for high school and collegiate ball or approved for play in Little League, Babe Ruth, Dixie, Pony, AA Continue reading →

2012 BBCOR Baseball Bat Recommendations

My 2012 best baseball bat reviews and recommendations are sorted by the composition of the bat and the price. I believe this simplifies a complex decision making it easier to pinpoint the bat that’s right for you. I’ve only listed BBCOR certified bats. These recommendations are for all model levels: Youth, Senior and Adult.

My Baseball Bat Recommendations for the 2012 model year are:


High Cost Recommendation:

Easton 2012 BB11S1 S1 (-3) BBCOR Adult Baseball Bat

Easton 2012 BB11X1 XL1 (-3) BBCOR Adult Baseball Bat

  • 2012 Power Brigade S1 or XL1:
    First here’s the difference, the SL1 has a low MOI (claims to be the lowest on the market) and balanced design. The XL1 has a higher MOI, is slightly end-loaded and has a longer barrel. Otherwise they are made with the same material and design. Choose the XL1 if you’re a power hitter and the SL1 if not. These are two-Piece bats with flex handles made from Easton’s new IMXTM composite material. Easton has always been the leader in composite bats and the 2012 model year is no exception. The Adult -3 model retails for $399.

Low Cost Recommendation:

  • 2012 Easton Omen
    A two-piece bat made of 100% composite material with a stiff handle (95). It’s made with Easton’s older IMX composite and is slightly end loaded (MOI rating of 80). It was the first approved BBCOR composite bat on the market but Easton quickly came out with, and focused on, the Power Brigade bats. This bat is very similar to the Easton Speeds, but made to BBCOR specifications. This design has been extremely popular bat for experienced players at every level. The Adult -3 retails for $249 or lower which is a great price for a 100% composite bat! Continue reading →

2012 Louisville Slugger BBCOR Baseball Bats

Louisville has a long and respected history in the baseball bat industry and was considered the holy grail of baseball bats. That distinction has long since faded and they are trying to catch up. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a long recovery as they were slow to get out of the BBCOR bat gate.

For 2012 they’ve made significant changes to their line-up. They’ve discarded the poor selling multi-piece bat design of the last few years and have gone back to their core, a one piece bat design (say bye-bye to the Triton and H2). Not to say I told you so, but these were my comments regarding their 2011 models:  “They need to decide if they’re going to jump into the multi-piece bat market or not. If you’re coming out with a multi-piece design tell me it’s a multi-piece design and why that makes sense, or come out with a one-piece design and tell me why it’s better. Stop with the “bonded to be a one-piece bat”, nobody believes it and that is why sales are lagging.”

Louisville needs a strong entry in the 100% composite category to b Continue reading →

2011 Baseball Bats

The majority of the 2011 bats have hit the market. Although there hasn’t been a lot of change from the 2010 models, there has been some change. More detailed information will be posted in the reviews for each manufacturer, and in My Baseball Bat Recommendations will provide my recommendations in each category. Take a look at the listings on the right side to check them out. Here are the 2011 baseball bats:


Combats first steps in 2010 have been backwards. They’re trying to recover from a poor 2011 model year by bringing back what created the buzz a few years ago in a new name and package.

Combat B3

It appears Combat has abandoned the B2 and its and is essentially bringing back the B1 as the B3.  The B2’s nanocomp and MAP technologies have disappeared, essentially making this bat very similiar if not identical to the B1. As of early March it only appears to be available in youth models. It has the same single wall, stiff handle balanced design.


I have to hand it to Easton. The NCAA bans composite bats in college baseball, so what does Easton do? The re-adjust their Stealth Speed, 100 % composite bat, and get it approved! It is the first composite bat that is approved for use in the upcoming 2010 NCAA season. If I’m ever indicted for murder my first choice for someone to represent me is Easton. These guys will do anything to sell a bat. But after this news it looks like their remaining 2011 bats are a repeat of the 2010 models. You can pre-order the bats now but they do not go on sale until April 3. Oh yeah, I’m not crazy about the look of the 2011 Easton line-up. It’s a sophomoric look that makes the bats look cheap.

Easton Stealth Speed II BSS1, BSS2 and BSS3

Let’s start with the BSS1 and BSS2. These are identical to the 2010 Easton Speed bats. They are 100% composite, two-piece bat with a slightly end-loaded design (MOI of 80). The difference between the BSS1 and BSS2 is the handle flex. The BSS1 has a flex handle (75) and the BSS2 a stiff handle (95). The BSS3 is Easton’s answer to the NCAA’s composite bat ban. They most likely re-layered the composite material in a manner where it does not break in any farther. The NCAA’s concern was that the BESR rating for a new composite bat crossed the line once it broke in a month or so later. This apparently solves the problem. Like the other Speed II’s it is a 100 composite two-piece bat with a MOI of 80. It is only available in a 33” model and there is no reason to purchase the BSS3 unless you’re in college. The BSS1/2 have white grips while the BSS3 has a black grip. This was probably done to distinguish the one approved for college play. They all retail for $399 for the Adult -3 model.

Easton Surge XL

Say hello to the SV12. The Surge is the SV12 with a different label and color. It’s a two-piece bat with a composite handle, Easton’s V12 alloy barrel, and a balanced design (MOI of 70). I’ve only seen the stiff handle version, but I’m assuming there will be a flex handle version also. The Adult -3 model retails for $299, the same as the SV12 last year.

Easton Rival XL

The Rival is identical to the 2010 V12. A 100% alloy bat with a stiff handle and low swing weight (MOI) of 60. I’ve only seen the Senior model at the present time. I’d guess the Adult -3 will retail for $199, as the 2010 V12 did.

2011 Demarini Baseball Bats

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Demarini’s line-up has been popular over the last several years and they’ve decided not to mess with it for the 2011 model year. They’re sticking to their bread and butter, two-piece, flex handle bats with their “half and half” technology. The only change being the “rotation index”. These are markings on the handle to help you grip the bat in a different spot and supposedly prolong bat life. Here’s a look at their 2011 bats:


The CF4 is a two-piece, double wall, 100% composite bat with a flex handle and extremely low swing weight (MOI). It is made with Demarini’s top tier composite, pitch black and is identical to the 2010 model. They say they added more silver trace technology, but they made the same claim last year. It’s made with Demarini’s pitch black plus composite, half and half technology and “hub” end cap. The CF4 is very popular but some do not like the extremely low swing weight. The Adult -3 retails for $399.99 putting it in the high end composite category. If you like this bat you can save a few dollars by finding the gold 2010 model. Continue reading →

2011 Louisville Baseball Bats

Louisville has a long and respected history in the baseball bat industry, but they’ve falling behind in the composite and hybrid categories. They’re entries into these categories, now 3 years old, have not received a positive response. They are seldom seen at the high school or college level (when composite bats were legal in the NCAA). For 2011 they’ve only made some minor changes. This is extremely disappointing from what most consider the holy grail of baseball bat manufacturers. Louisville must go back to the drawing board in 2012 and come out with a brand new high end composite and hybrid design. The “bonded together to a one piece bat” claim has fallen on deaf ears. They must come out with a true two-piece design for their hybrid and either a true two-piece for their composite or a true one piece bat and stop the bull. Don’t forget to visit My Baseball Bat Recommendations for my choices in each category.

Here’s the breakdown of the Louisville line-up:

Louisville Composite Bats

  • TPX Triton – A 3-piece bat made with 100% composite material with Louisville’s stiff handle and a balanced design. The 2011 Triton is the exact same bat as the 2010 model, with the exception of a better paint job. I’ve only seen the 2011 Triton in a Senior or Youth model, nothing in the Adult -3. This bat has by far the largest barrel I’ve seen on a baseball bat. As I’ve stated in the past, it would be in Louisville’s best interest to either call this a multi-piece bat or stick to a true 1-piece design. Instead they continue to market it as a three-piece bat bonded together as a one-piece bat. I’ve hit with the Triton and seen it used in some youth games and it seems to hit well and has a great sound. You will rarely see it in a high school game. Even when composites were legal in the NCAACollege teams using Louisville bats choose the Exogrid, Omaha or H2 (in that order) and not the Triton. I recommend the Easton Speed for experienced players who want a 100% composite bat.

  • TPX Dynasty Composite – This 100% 7C composite, one-piece bat has the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design. This bat is the same bat as the 2010 Dynasty, 2009 Omaha Comp and 2008 Catalyst. Louisville has been playing musical chairs with the name of this bat and decided the old Dynasty name would make sense. I believe this bat is an excellent second tier composite bat choice for several reasons. First, it has a great price at $259 for the Adult -3 model. Second, it has a proven track record being a Catalyst/Omaha Comp. Third it’s a true one-piece bat! No claims of being bonded together to act like a one-piece bat. An excellent choice for those looking for a lower priced composite bat.

Louisville Hybrid Bats

  • H2: There is a slight change to the 2011 H2 model. It’s a two piece bat that bonds the pieces together to make the claim that it’s a one piece bat (we’ve already covered this). The 100% composite handle is Louisville’s stiffest which is saying something, and barrel has been changed to Louisville’s new AC21 alloy, replacing their long running ST+20 alloy. It has a balanced swing weight design. The new alloy was added because it bonds together better with the composite handle, not because it provides better pop. I’m guessing they had one too many returns of a bat that broke in half at the “bonding” point. The Adult -3 model retails for $299 as it did last year. It’s not one of my top choices in the hybrid category, but still a decent bat.

  • Exogrid: Louisville’s best selling bat is back for a 5th year. There is a slight change for 2011 as it too has changed to Louisville’s new AC21 alloy. The EXO has been Louisville’s best selling bat for the last few years and, quite honestly, has saved them from total disaster with the Triton and H2 debacles. Clearly their going to milk this golden goose for as long as possible because the Adult -3 continues to retail for an amazing $369. The really big news is Rawlings release of their own Exogrid in 2011 (see Rawlings reviews). It will be interesting to see if Louisville loses some sales because of this. In my opinion this bat is closer to a 100% alloy bat then a hybrid but with the carbon sleeve cut into the handle it’s in the hybrid category. I believe the price of this bat is way too high and I can’t recommend it when for an additional $30 I can get a 100% composite bat. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good bat but I just can’t recommend pulling the trigger at $369. If you love this bat find the 2010 model. It’s the same bat and will cost you a lot less money. It’s still a one piece, hybrid bat with some metal cut out of the handle and replaced with composite material. It comes with Louisville’s stiff handle and a balanced design. As mentioned earlier, most players on College teams who use Louisville bats swing the Exogrid.

Louisville Alloy Bats

  • TPX Omaha: No it’s not the energizer bunny, its Louisville Omaha and it’s still going. It’s the same bat they’ve been making for the last ten years, with some new paint. It’s a one-piece, 100% alloy bat with a stiff handle, a balanced design and the same ST-20 alloy. They did not make this bat with their new AC21 alloy, which makes it clear the new alloy is only intended to help the bonding on their hybrid bats. Amazingly, they have increased the price to $229 for the Adult -3 model. It was priced at $199 last year. It’s very odd that the price would go up on a very old design, not the smartest of moves. It’s a great choice for those who don’t want to break the bank. Many players on College teams with Louisville contracts prefer to use the Omaha instead of the Triton or H2.

Louisville makes quality bats but, as mentioned, they need to rethink their multi-piece design and marketing hype. They need to decide if they’re going to jump into the multi-piece bat market or not. If you’re coming out with a multi-piece design tell me it’s a multi-piece design and why that makes sense, or come out with a one-piece design and tell me why it’s better. Stop with the “bonded to be a one-piece bat” nobody believes it and that is why sales are lagging.

2010 Baseball Bats

The 2010 models have arrived but, for the most part, it’s a disappointing model year for baseball bats.

The only significant changes have come from Rawlings with the introduction of their 5150 series. Louisville and Nike did not make ANY changes to their 2009 line-up other than color. Combat only added Adult versions of their old bats, Easton and Demarini only made minor adjustments to their 2009 line-up of bats. I’d say the 2010 model year provides the perfect opportunity to purchase a 2009 model at a great price.

Here’s my opinion on what they’re saying about the 2010 bats. You can also get in-depth reviews by clicking on the corresponding tabs on the right side of the site.


Other than a new option in the composite category that makes a lot of sense, not much new with the 2010 Demarini bats. Their new “buss word” for the 2010 model year is Silver Trace technology which claims to be a unique blend of carbon combined with the Silver Trace technology. It claims to be a bonding agent that adds strength to maximize power transfer to the barrel. In my opinion this is just an attempt to make it appear something is new.

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