Why Have Composite Baseball Bats Been Banned?

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved the NCAA Baseball Rules Committee’s recommendation to remove, at least temporarily, composite bats from NCAA competition. NOTE: This is a ban in college baseball only,  composite bats are still legal in High School down through T-ball for now. Also, hybrid bats are still legal in College baseball (bats with composite handles and alloy barrels).

The rules committee proposed the action in July and met again via conference call August 17 after hearing comments from the membership and manufacturers about the recommendation. After considerable discussion, the rules committee concluded that composite bats will not be allowed for the time being.

The committee’s main concern about composite bats is that they are susceptible to performance improvement above standards set by the NCAA, either through normal use or alterations to the bats.

While committee members are not convinced that simple compliance testing of specific bats will solve what they see to be a significant problem in the sport, the committee agreed with a suggestion from the NCAA Baseball Research Panel to seek additional testing to determine if it is feasible to allow composite bats in NCAA play this season.

The research panel met with baseball bat manufacturers August 12 in Indianapolis to explore whether composite bats could be used within NCAA guidelines and parameters.

During the 2009 Division I Baseball Championship, composite bats were selected for ball exit speed ratio (BESR) certification tests. Of the 25 bats tested, 20 failed the official BESR test for current NCAA performance levels. Because all bat designs must pass that test before mass production, the results indicated that the performance of such bats changed thereafter, most likely due to repeated, normal use or intentional alteration.

In the meantime, the NCAA plans to conduct additional testing that will provide the baseball rules committee another opportunity for review. Additionally, the committee is open to providing an opportunity for companies to prove that their bats would meet current NCAA standards regardless of use or tampering.

As for beyond the upcoming season, the baseball research panel is recommending that an Accelerated Break-In (ABI) process be added to the certification process under the new Ball-Bat Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) standard to help address the issue of improved performance and further the goal of having all bats in NCAA play remain under the NCAA limit through the life of the bat.

The BBCOR is a method designed to measure the performance of the bat. The ABI is designed to replicate repeated use or intentional alteration of the bat. This process has been used with some success in the certification process for softball bats.

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41 Responses to Why Have Composite Baseball Bats Been Banned?

  1. james says:

    does this apply for little leagues too?

  2. admin says:

    The ban is only at the college level. It could trickle down in the future but it’s still legal everywhere else as of today.

  3. ruralvoice says:

    I wrote to Mr. Steve Keener, President and CEO of Little League Baseball, on this topic. He provided a very comprehensive and quick reply (same day, 9/19/09). I really appreciate his forthrightness and information. I thought you would be interested in his view responding to me on this topic. It covers the Little League inquiry–

    Mr. Greene —

    Thanks for your note and your perspective regarding composite bat use in Little League play. This is a very complex issue and I won’t attempt to take you through all of it in an email response, but what I will do is assure you that Little League International is attentive to the matter and is currently working through USA Baseball and its’ Bat Advisory Committee (comprised of some of the most knowledgeable scientists on this subject) to determine the future direction of non wood ( composite, aluminum and other materials) bat performance standards in youth baseball. An independent field testing study, under the direction of this distinguished group, will be completed later this month at Brown University. Upon completion of the study, recommendations will be made to all youth baseball organizations specific to any necessary modifications or changes to the current non wood bat performance standards. Little League Baseball is in complete support of this independent study which will address the very issue of your concern.

    You may also may know that in 2011, the NCAA will replace its current BESR performance standard with a new standard, BBCOR. The science involved in the development of the BBCOR standard is out of my area of expertise, but I do know that it will require all non wood bats to perform as close to wood bats as possible. The National HS Federation will adopt this standard as well as the teenage divisions of the Little League program. This new standard applies only to 2 5/8″ barrel bats. Little League only allows use of 2 1/4″ barrel bats in our 12 and under divisions and we are working through the USA Baseball committee to address these bats as well. You may also be interested to know that the NCAA would not share its data or testing results on composite bats with any of the 15 or so USA Baseball member organizations ( LLB, PONY, Babe Ruth, Dixie, AABC and others). Thus, the reason for our own independent testing.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me and I hope you’ll take some comfort now knowing that LLB, and all youth baseball organizations, are attentive this matter and will address it appropriately.

    Steve Keener
    President and CEO
    Little League International

  4. Coach b says:

    You know what stinks is I think (IMO) that there is a good chance those 20 bats failed because they were rolled. Rolling bats has been done in softball for years and it makes the bat much more lively. The claim is that it doesn’t do anything but break the bat in but yet after rolling them the bat seems to have way more pop.I have heard of parents even doing it to the 2 1/4″ bats which is very scary since kids are only 45ft away on the 60ft fields.There are roamer to this with teams who ran in the Little League World Series as well.

  5. Jimmy says:

    I have to disagree that rolling a bat alone will make it hotter than not rolling a bat. I have seen bats that were not rolled but had over 1000 swings on them that were hotter than a rolled bat with less than 250 swings(note that im referring to both bats being the same make and model). All rolling does is break the bat in evenly throughout the entire barrel of the bat. Truth of the matter is, the more you hit these bats, the hotter they get until they break. I have seen composite bats with 3 inch cracks and the guy hit massive homeruns just by hittting with the other side of the barrel. This subject is no different than when Titanium bats were introduced in slow pitch softball in the early 90’s. They were banned less than 5 years after hitting the market. We should also remember how far bats had come when the NCAA went to BESR -3 in the first place…Aluminum bats at that time were as hot or hotter than the composites are now days considering they were -5 and 2 3/4in barrels. So what if they ban composites. The only people it will hurt are the bat companies that popped up in the past 10yrs that only make composite bats. I’m sure even they are smart enough to change with the times, and baseball will continue to be the greatest sport on earth.

  6. Andrew says:

    Ok, now I’m not sure if this is what you’re talking about, but I’m in high school and they are changing the rules for bats. I was wondering if I would still be allowed to use my 2007 TPX exogrid, and 2009 Demarini CF4?

  7. cody says:

    What if I just bought a bat in June and it is BESR certified but there is nothing about being BBCOR certified. Could I get it tested on my own for the certification? Or will I not be able to use it. It is the 2011 Nike Aero Fuse the red one with the white grip. If this bat becomes BBCOR certified would I still have to get mine tested?

  8. Cory says:

    This was a a bad move. Soon this is going to lead down to travel and Little League. When that does happen Easton, Demarini, Louisville Slugger(Tpx), Miken, and other brands are screwed. They will either have to go out of buisness or come up with alloy or aluminum bats. As of right now i have an alloy bat (Omaha Limited Edition) and it is very good. So I have nothing against alloy bats but i do have a composite Catalyst x1 and it has more pop. Overall very bad move by the NCAA.

  9. Trevor says:

    If they are banding them there only doing composite bats not single piece bats. They will probaley keep exogrids.

  10. Ted says:

    Andrew, The TPX will be allowed as long as it is a -3 BESR Certified. The CF4 is banned because it has a composite barrel. My son has a Nike CX2 that he will no longer be able to use.

  11. Jacob says:

    I was looking into buying a new bat this season. I play in high school. Is the bat okay if it is BESR certified?

  12. patrick says:

    This is wrong for them to just do this with highschool without a warning more than 70% of aluminum baseball bats are composite. they should have gaven a year warning before all the sudden changing the rules so that companys can change there bat selection from composite to more of smooth regular non-composite bats.. this is rude and un called for

  13. greg says:

    just bought the easton stealth speed II bss2 stiff flex adult got legion use out of it is this going to be legal in 2011 for high school in ohio anyone know?

  14. Marcus says:

    My high school is banning all composite bats as soon as the 2011 season starts.

  15. Seth says:

    I am in Babe Ruth (not high school league yet) and just bought a new 2011 Demarini CF4. Will I be able to use it in 2011?

  16. Davey says:

    I am in high school and i just bought the new 2011 demarini cf4. Can any one tell me if i am aloud to use it this year or do i have to get somthing else

  17. matt says:

    r we supposed to use the new certification (BBCOR) in highschool now too or just college

  18. Ty says:

    Is the 2011 TPX ExoGrid2 going to be banned in 2011?

  19. normtoy says:

    ExoGrid2 should be okay for 2011 as all aluminum barreled bats will be allowed. Word from NCAA is that BESR aluminum barreled bats will be okay. It doesn’t matter if the handle is composite or aluminum. If you have a 2 piece, the “collar” must be flush with the bat otherwise it’s illegal. All new bats must have the “BBCOR” logo on the bat. There’s no definitive on 2012 yet. The bat companies are going to finally be more creative in marketing and selling their $400 (retail) bats since the composites are illegal in sanctioned play.

  20. James says:

    I just got the rules from my coach, they will be banned next year for high shcool.

  21. normtoy says:

    Here’s the “tough” consumer question regarding what choices we have, in replacing last year’s bats with BBCOR bats: Firstly, with the BBCOR standards being more real and accurate than the former BESR rating (which obviously didn’t allow or test for actual performance, say, of a composite bat AFTER correct break-in), I pose this sensitive and real question- What is the performance difference between a $309 (Easton Surge) and a $70 (Easton Typhoon) bat, other than type of aluminum? Both are compliant with BBCOR standards. (I’m willing to take this answer off the air, if necessary) Thank you.

  22. Neil says:

    I don’t care about any bat company!! I care about all the parents that purchased illegal bats without knowing it for their kids. These parents/kids are stuck with $400.00 bats they can’t use. There are bats being sold right now at our favorite sporting good stores that are illegal to use in a real game. When they say effective 2012 they shouldn’t be able to change it.

  23. Alex says:

    Great, now my new bat that I got for Christmas is useless along with my other one. Let me guess:NEXT, ALUMINUM BATS ARE GOING TO BE BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I DESPISE THIS DECISION SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. GLORIA says:

    Is ths easton stealth XL youth bat banned

  25. Javier says:

    These lighter bats make weak hitters become great “aluminum” bat hitters. They should go back to wood bats all the way around. At least then, you can determine who and who is not a good hitter.

  26. Jeff says:

    Does anyone know if the Easton Stealth Speed bats are illegal for high scholl in 2011?

  27. jackob says:

    is the 2011 easton speed legal for middle school ball

  28. Nolan says:

    Will the 2011 exogrid 2 be banned for the 2011 high school baseball season? I am very confused because it is not on the ban or approved list. I am a starter and i really need to know this before $400 goes down the drain.

  29. Lynn says:

    Does anyone know if the Demarini Vendetta -3 will be leagal? Not the Vendetta C6 just the plain Vendetta

  30. steve west says:

    My son has a couple of i believe 08-09 vexxum sc3 besr certified bats drop 3 will these still be alright to use as a high school freshman?

  31. Mark says:

    Are 2 pc/ alloy barrells w/ composite handles approved?

  32. Karen says:

    My son is a senior this year and needs a new bat. Should I buy him a BESR or a BBCOR regulation bat? I hear that using a BBCOR bat is definitely less productive and I would hate to have his senior year not be his best as far as batting goes. He may be playing ball for a division 3 college next year so I’m looking at purchasing this bat for only his high school season. Is it worth it or should I just buy the BBCOR bat and have his batting not be so great. Thanks.

  33. Frank says:

    Karen, from what i’ve heard, I have a son starting high school in the fall, you should ‘try’ to stay away from BBCOR bats as long as possible. If you can do it, get a BESR bat for this spring/summer and switch to BBCOR for next year.

  34. Nick says:

    I was playing in a freshman high school game last night, and I was called out after my 2 RBI hit because they said my BESR bat was illegal. The umpires cleared it before the game, so I do not understand why I was called out. The runs did not count and we lost by a slim margin

  35. mike says:

    I have a Metalstorm 33/30 aluminum barrel with composite handle,2 peice bat.. is it legal for 2011 ,yes or no? anyone !

  36. mike says:

    to Karen with question about buying bbcor bat,, as far as buying a new bat, the skinnier the grip size,the more you can hit farther,the THICKER the handle(where you actually put the hand/grip) the more of a base hitting bat,,now if your son is bigger,buy the bat w/skinny grip.if your son is on the smaller framed size,get the thicker handle,forget homeruns with a BBCOR bat,unless your son is 6 ft. or bigger and has cannons for arms,it wont matter,its gonna turn into a game of who gets the most hits and agressive base running,

  37. Adam says:

    I am in 8th grade, and I just bought myself a Demarini Vendetta Bat 2011 (-3). I bought it hoping that i would be able to use it this year and next year? Can I?

  38. Rick says:

    Will the new BBCOR composite barrel bats (CF5) be legal for college play in 2012?

  39. Tracy says:

    What do we know about Little League banning the Nike Aero BT0636 on March 9, 2012? I hope Nike is working hard on getting the ban lifted! I know many kids that own this $250.00 bat!

  40. admin says:

    It’s banned. Very unlikely the ban will be lifted. You should contact Nike and demand a replacement bat, that is certified. Here is Little League’s statement “Little League Baseball, Incorporated has been informed that Nike Bat Models BT0636 CX2 (light grey), BT0573 CX2 (dark grey) and BT0598 CX2 (blue) have failed recent performance standard compliance testing. Effective immediately, Nike Bat Models BT0636 CX2 (light grey), BT0573 CX2 (dark grey) and BT0598 CX2 (blue), including all graphic variations, are not eligible, or approved, for use in any Little League program or activity.”

  41. Braxton says:

    are the rawlings crx composite bat banned in teeball

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